1. brodywestmoreland · April 29, 2015

    Nixon visiting China was a historical moment for the United States. It was the first time a President has visited PRC. The reason for building a relation with PRC was to gain more leverage over relations with the Soviet Union. Nixon worked with China building support which led to Russia wanting more attention from us. Both sides were beginning to side with the United States giving us strength and leverage over seas.


  2. spencerchancemartin · April 29, 2015

    Following the ping pong diplomacy, Nixon visited China to further improve upon their relationship. His historic visit solidified the friendly relationship between China and the United States for years to come.


  3. jeffodomblog · April 30, 2015

    A serendipitous relationship sparked between USA and China over a simple bus ride that became international news. The good feelings and exchange of gifts lead to a future invite for USA to visit China to participate in exhibition table tennis match. Nixon already knew that the relationship between China and USSR was dwindling and happily agreed to this auspicious occasion. The Ping Pong Diplomacy lead to Nixon making a trip to China later himself which strengthened the relationship between the two countries at a detriment to the relationship of China and USSR.
    These fortunate events lead Nixon to also improving relations with Soviet Union which ultimately lead to the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks that froze the arms race and affirmed a new target on eventually ending the Cold War.


  4. korinatoledo · April 30, 2015

    Even though Nixon was anti-communist, he was still the first U.S. president to visit China. He wanted to improve relations with the communist country and also establish a trading policy between the United States and China.


  5. marisolcastro123 · April 30, 2015

    Nixon visiting China led to normalized relations with China which further helped relations with the Soviet Union. Recognizing China helped to decrease the tension between the communist countries and the U.S, setting the precedent for a time of relaxation. After relations with China dissolved into the two countries getting along, we then entered the SALT I Treaty with the Soviet Union. Supplying their people with food and entering more peaceful times till the 1980’s.


  6. jessicaschulz96 · May 1, 2015

    Relations between the two great communist powers, the Soviet Union and China, had been deteriorating since the 1950s and had erupted into open conflict with border clashes during Nixon’s first year in office. During his time in office, the President sensed opportunity and began to send out tentative diplomatic feelers to China. A breakthrough of sorts occurred in the spring of 1971, when Mao Zedong invited an American table tennis team to China for some exhibition matches. Nixon’s visit to China in February 1972 was widely televised and heavily viewed. It was only a first step, but a decisive one, in the budding rapprochement between the two states. The announcement of the Beijing summit produced an immediate improvement in American relations with the U.S.S.R., namely, an invitation for Nixon to meet with Soviet premier Leonid Brezhnev in Russia. It was a sign that Nixon’s efforts were working.


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